soooo i've had a very interresting week to say the least. so here it goes. Im in Troy gettin ready to move rooms in my house and mom and I go to the furniture store to get something for my room. I start to feel dizzy and sick to my stomach and all sweaty so i go outside to sit down. Im all light headed and not feeling to well. Mom comes out so i start to get up and walk to the car. The next thing I remember I am waking up in the hospital. so here is what happened in between my memories....
i walk to the car and step off the curb and apparently lost all color and fell flat on my face and passed out. mom said i was gone for about a min or so. She said I couldnt remember anything for about an hour, like that we had come to troy, where i was at, what happend or anything else. Some construction workers were in the parking lot and they called 911 and an ambulance came and took me to Troy's hospital. I wake up there and am in paaaaaiiin. my face hurt, but it would after be slammed into the pavement. well my heart rate is super low in the 30's and isnt good. i felt fine and thought i could go home. they wouldnt release me to go without being sent to Montgomery to talk with a cardiologist.
so I get transported via ambulance to the montgomery hospital, my heartrate still in the 30's and 40's, and talk to the cardiologist. She checks me out and gets a second opinion from another doctor and decides to wait til morning to do anything. All night long my heartrate still has done nothing. So 10 am Friday morning they decide to operate on me. i personally didnt think i needed one but i was forced to get a pacemaker put in.
Now the surgery is over and im home. i feel the same and still see no reason to have had a pacemaker put in. im a little sore but very thankful that I am alive and ok. God was looking after me that day because things could have been so much worse than they were. I am very lucky. I thank everyone who called and asked about me. i have the best friends and family in the entire world and i am very lucky to have them care about me so much. As for me, i am just taking it one day at a time. a very good friend of mine told me thats all i can do and not to worry about tomorow. God will handle all that. so for now i am doing well and ready to get 100%.
P. S.... rush starts this week and im super excited, scared because now i am Panhellenic President but excited to take on the challenge.
much love, p-slip!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
laaaake weekend

Soooo... sitting at home, bored to death what should i do. nothing. absolutely nothing. i havent done a thing since camp got over. you would think living in Hoover I could find something to do, but I need people and all my people are busy, working, or in Texas, haha. I need to get more friends haha. I have however gotten waaaay better at guitar hero lol im not too bad. I took it to the lake this past weekend and Sharon, who is like 35 and the biggest princess i know, started playing and absolutely loved it. I love going to the lake with them, the old folks actually do know how to have fun sometimes. Except Marty was planning my wedding with Stephen and Stephen was going along with it. Kinda embarrassing but funny though. aaaanywhooo we spent the day wakeboarding, skiing, tubing and then jumping off 50ft cliffs waaay amazing. Its such a thrill when your stomach jumps to your throat..aaaaahhhh but so much fun! weeelll until next time peace love and pslip!! :)
oh how I miss Pine Cove Towers!
oh how I miss Pine Cove Towers!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Post Pine Cove Towers!!
wow. I cant believe 7 weeks went by so fast. Pine Cove opened my eyes to many new things. I absolutely came home a changed person. God taught me so much in the short time I was there and I cannot thank him enough for his amazing blessings he has given me. The friends I made there complete me. I dont know what im going to do without them. good thing we have facebook lol. it feels so weird to be back home in Alabama. Texas was my home for so long i almost forgot about bama. i miss it sooo much. i cant wait til i move there, its going to be AMAZING. those kids there were so precious and i am so glad i got the opportunity to work there. its really depressing that im not there anymore. right now we would be in our sports clinic, well not me, i never liked soccer and somehow always migrated over to flag football. i love my football buddies. discrete, toast, and break it down. oh how i miss those guys. window, oooh oooh!! lol. its seriously a hard time to leave pc towers. it was my life for so long it felt like. i dont know what to do now. a little jeff johnson session will do me just fine. oh glorious day!!!!!! i cant wait!!!
peace, love, and pslip!
peace, love, and pslip!
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