sooo last night was big/lil night and i looooove my little. she is sooo amazing. aaand she cried when she thought she didnt get me, which made me feel sooo special. we are so much alike its scary!!! anyways, this next week is fall break and im going home. i cannot wait. I get to see Stephen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which im super happy about and im judging the band competition on saturday for Minor so that should be fun.. anywho. gotta go to lab!! peace holla
sooooo this weekend was daate party at the zoo. i got to take the boyfriend so of course it was fun. i enjoy getting to spend time with my sisters at fun functions and just daaance! lol. i needed a break from school, it was getting a little too stressful for me. fall break is in 2 weeks and i cant wait. were going to the beach this weekend for the Phi retreat so im pumped about that, get to spend time with Ally whom i loooooove!!!! and then big/lil night is next monday so thats exciting also. i cant wait for the upcoming weeks and stuff. anywhoooooo.... Jesus rocks my socks off... Nehemiah 8:10 ".. for the joy of the Lord is your strength." :)
me and stephen soltis and i just some giiirlS love them!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I am having the most wonderful life ever and its all thanks to my wonderful Savior! I love how I can wake up in the morning and feel refreshed and alive all because he is so amazing! Everything is falling into place as he has planned and it just rocks my world!