"You will keep in perfect peace
him whose mind is steadfast,
because he trusts in you."
I was remided that God gives us perfect peace about things if only we let him. I've had a lot on my mind lately and have just been worrying about me possibly not being able to walk at graduation (due to the fact my intent to grad form did not get filed in time.) It has made me sick to my stomach and just worried all the time. Until I opened my bible to a card from Pine Cove. We played this game where everyone sat in a circle, boys on the inside and girls on the outside, and we talked for 2 min and wrote something on their card. It was a quick get to know you game. I LOOVE THIS!! well someone wrote on mine this verse and I had never really looked at it til now. It totally took me by surprise. God has a way of speaking SOOOO clearly to me these days. I looked it up and it was perfect for my situation. I love how God uses this to speak to us and to get our attention. He is an amazing God!